Exhibited in: 2011 Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em - Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin,
Exhibited in: 2011 Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em - Project grant, Senat Chancellery Cultural Affairs, Berlin,
Herr Henkes vs. Jutta Merkel 2011
77 cassette decks, 77 cassettes, 24 headphones, cables, MDF (wood)
Two cassette collections - Rock from Herr Henkes and Pop from Jutta Merkel - auctioned on ebay run "against" each other. Cassettes from the two collections are distributed differently on the tapedeck wall. People can plug the headphones to different cassette decks.

Herr Henkes vs. Jutta Merkel at "Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em", 04.11.2011-15.01.2012, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin